Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's Not Them

When our life gets to the point that nothing makes much sense anymore you can bet there is a great opportunity close at hand. We live in a world where our self worth is often measured by how much other people seem to need us or how much cool or money or influence we have. Who we believe we are we see reflected in the eyes of the world around us. Life is perceived as very linear, material and defined.

Being human has many aspects. We have not only a physical body we’ve an emotional, intellectual and spiritual body. Of course these aspects do not exist independent of each other and they all come together to form our human being having our human experience. Many of us are taught to see ourselves as these aspects.

From a greater point of view we are actually the Being experiencing the aspects of our being human. When we have feelings/emotions we might be drawn into the feeling believing that we are that feeling. Our awareness is completely absorbed into the vibration and experience of that particular feeling. Automatically the mind will have something to say in reaction to our feeling, the mind is the aspect of our being that tells us we are the feeling and also what we should do about the feeling. This is an automatic action/reaction program.If the feeling appeared to be the result of something someone said to us then that person “made” me feel this or that.

How can that be? What if you had not been listening and the other person’s words had gone right by you? If those words were responsible for your reaction then you should have had the reaction whether you were listening or not. The power would have been in the words that were directed at you, like a bomb, all you’d have to do is deliver the words close to the target and there would be an effect. So, what gave those words their power?

Emotions happen as a result of literal experience moving through our being human, those same aspects of emotion, physical, spiritual, and intellectual. For words to hold power over us we must give those words our power of belief. If I don’t believe you then your words will have no power over me. If I do believe you or I doubt or question myself as a result of your words then bingo I will give power to your words and my mind will make you responsible for my reaction. Of course the other person is not responsible for my reaction, I am or rather my mind and me believing my mind are responsible for my reaction. The other person is completely responsible for their words and the energy and intention they delivered into their words and they are not responsible for my end of the deal.

There is great integrity in realizing when and how we hurt ourselves using the actions of others as an excuse. This example may make perfect sense to you or no sense at all. Can you consider my point of view without any reaction one-way or the other?

The opportunity I refer to in the beginning of this writing exists in the being aware enough to step out of our investment in our beliefs and reactions and see our part in our beliefs, actions, reactions and what life is offering us as a witness to our self in motion. We are so quick to give our power away. When we make someone or something outside of our self-responsible for our reactions we are giving our power away. I did it for forty something years and can do it today if I forget to remember that it is me doing it to me and not you or her or them doing it to me.

The truth is, I don’t believe nearly as many things as I used to and I am soooo much happier than I was when I knew so much more than I know now. When life gets to the point that nothing makes much sense anymore, well, maybe that’s the truth. If that is the truth then who has the power to change things if in fact you really want things to change? Clue..It’s not them. Peace be with You...Love,Lee

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