Sunday, April 19, 2009

Soft Green World

I spent the last week in Santa Fe, New Mexico. There were 400 or so people gathered for a Mental Health / Addictions conference and several of them are good friends.Santa Fe is a beautiful place with a history of Deep faith and mystery as well as a true melting pot of cultures and social classes.

Every morning I'd awaken to the sunrise bringing light back into the world. My room had a great view looking North over the roof tops of the old Pueblo toward the Sangre de Cristo Mountains that run from Southern Colorado down into New Mexico.

It is early Spring in the Rockies. There is still a blanket of white spread over the land and Mountains. Some of the trees had begun to bud, almost blooming into the Light of Spring. On my last day we had a Spring Snow, like a mini white out, big wet heavy flakes drifting down to cover the street signs and roof tops.As I watched and walked through the crystal Snow flakes I was touched deep inside by my connection to the soft green hills and pastures of Tennessee. I could sense the way my foot steps fall on the thick green grass that covers so much of The Ranch, my spirit place in Tennessee. Immediately I was aware that behind my thoughts , beliefs and agendas there is a connection to Spirit, to life, that has grown from the deep soil and soft contours of the Tennessee hills.

My attention would shift back and forth from the scene of Santa Fe to my bodies memories of the feeling of being on the land at home, at The Ranch. We have an awareness in the Toltec work of our human ability to be in two places at once. We can be standing in a Plaza in New Mexico and be listening to the sounds of a River in Tennessee both simultaneously. For sure this is one of those experiences you have to have to understand what I'm talking about. Truth is those experiences are not as far fetched as we might want to believe.

My awareness was that a great aspect of my heart is very connected to the soft green landscape of the Tennessee hills and although my personality would like to be lots of other places my heart keeps bringing me back to those hills.

The day before the Snow I was talking with Laurie Ann Levin, a mystical being herself when I mentioned how much Mee and I love Los Angeles and Malibu and she looked me in the eye and said " Yes, but you are very connected to the animals, the horses, and in a deeper way than most. You do your work in Tennessee by a greater calling."
I had no reply to her statement, actually, she didn't say it with any need of a reply, it was what it was and it was the truth.

Flash back to a couple weeks back when I was with Meg Blackburn Losey, a gifted and successful writer, "THE CHILDREN OF NOW" among her credits. Meg is also a me a channel is a Human who can also be the facilitator for consciousness that's not in a body. Not all that strange really. Meg was channeling and I asked her or her Spirit's " Why am I back in Tennessee?"....she turned staring at me like I'm dumb or something and said " well my dearest, you picked it and now you have a role to complete before you will move on". Of course when Meg channels it is not her personality that is speaking and I knew that. I had been told again, contrary to my personalities confusion, that there is a greater unfolding at work here.

Yesterday I flew home after spending the morning horse back riding over the Pinion and Juniper Hills south of Santa Fe. The snow was still heavy and soft on the ground and I was feeling deep inside a longing to get back to my esposa and little girls and these Tennessee hills.

This morning that same front that brought the snow to New Mexico was pouring rain on Nashville. I've been looking through the stack of business cards collected at the conference and I feel grateful for the true friends and co-creators that I got to share time with in Santa Fe. They all have their unique offerings of spirit into this world of the minds of men and together I expect we shall continue to create greater opportunities for Healing and authenticity in the lives of those seeking such support.

So thanks for the truth Laurie and Meg and to all of you who have found that underneath all our layers there is a most amazing ability to love and be grateful for where we are, where ever we are I hope our paths are not long in crossing again.....Peace Be With You....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Peace- As has Always Been....

More knowledge is not going to bring more peace into our lives. Another teaching, another training, another degree, more initials, none of that is going to bring Peace into our lives. Peace dwells within us like the space between the clouds. We have given so much attention and value to the amount of information or knowledge we hold in our mind while we move through life measuring and judging based on our inventory of knowledge and opinion and the whole time the peace within us goes without our attention or awareness. This is the way of the world today, the way of the world for a long time now.

Until I was offered a point of view that questioned all of my blind faith acceptance of what I had been taught as truth I had no idea that in truth I didn't really believe much of what I was demanding the truth be.I tried to make what I was told right and the whole time , deep inside , I knew something was not ok. This happened with me and religion, with me and recovery, with me and politics with me and my teachers.

In congruent, that's the best way to describe the feeling of what I was trying to believe and what was happening with the energy of those beliefs in my body. Like eating bad food, the stories, "facts", Gospels, and suggestions all felt like a bad case of indigestion. Of course the ones who perpetuated these beliefs and opinions believed what they were offering was "the truth" or did they really? The truth doesn't demand or need defending or require indignant posturing and there was and is a lot of both that goes on with those who have given their faith to their beliefs.

Beyond belief there is the reality of consciousness. The presence of life, the duality of creation, the awareness of experience, the formless mystery of life itself. All of these aspects of existence are of consciousness and we are of consciousness not of form or belief or measure..we do all these things as human and we are not these things.Fear as faith demands something to hold onto , something to carry into the world as proof that we are ok and have "it " figured out. Fear measures against itself and we give our self to fear and ask "Am I good enough now". There is no peace in the faith of fear or the reality of fear as an advisor. Hell is not waiting for us, we are creating hell desperately trying to make our insane beliefs truth.

If God is Love then there is no judgement...there is no less than, there are no victims...there is life and Love and the living of life is not personal, the experiences of life are not personal. Consciousness has no report card beyond the cause and effect of experience as we create experience.No one but us is doing anything to us.

Truth can not be bound by definition, opinion or demand to know. Truth is there with us or without us. We are not the key to truths existence.

Free will has allowed for a lot of weird action on the part of us humans. We are so self important and arrogant in our desperation to rationalize our lives based in fear and need.We live almost completely outside of our center and look in all directions for answers that can not be found anywhere but with in.Interestingly enough we are here now at the time when the way we have been taught to live is coming apart at the seems, that way of living was never anything but story and the story has run it's course.

So if all that you believe was to fall apart around you where would you turn for help? Would you go back to the bank, or your attorney, or your church...would you ever consider sitting and asking within yourself what would Love do here? What would true faith ,which is faith in the mystery not the knowing or believing, what would true faith feel like as the world melts down around you?

Having been sold so many lies in the name of truth and reality...the arrival of the truth in this world will for most appear to be the end of times and for those who awaken to the mystery within the arrival of truth will be the gateway to Heaven on Earth..."the kingdom of Heaven will not be found over there, or behind some special door, the kingdom is not above you or outside of you but the Kingdom of Heaven is, as has always been, within you." It is time..let go.... and Dream from that most amazing Heart of yours....