’m on a flight from L.A. to Guadalajara. Tonight I’ll sleep in my little blue house in Teotihuacan. The last few days I have been shifting my attention between the main aspects of my life, from my family, to The Ranch, from the Ocean and waves of Malibu to the music and creation of our Documentary DREAMING HEAVEN. One conversation I’m talking about cattle and the future of the cattle business as we shift from a life time of commercial beef cattle production to the organic grass fed business, and the next I’m working on the creation of the Integrative Life Centers, a new format for Recovery and Integrative wellness in an out patient setting allowing more people to come to terms with all that they live, believe, choose and give their faith to. Recovery is becoming about our Integrity as human beings, a much greater picture than what I experienced 11 years ago when I was first introduced to the term Recovery as a way of life. Eleven years ago “recovery” was about being sober from drugs and alcohol, that is still a very important, yet narrow beginning point leading to the opportunities to live life Free, creative, authentic and aware.
As all the pieces of my world orbit through me and around me I feel a little crazy, like the threads are coming unraveled faster than I expected, like the ground under my feet is not solid at all but a fluid almost wave like place where I stand in consciousness not in a solid reality. This is the awareness of Dreaming Life, a term I’ve used for several years and still one that my mind argues with. To say life is a dream sounds to my mind like it’s not serious enough, the mind needs to believe that it has life figured out or it wants to freak. So I let my mind freak cuse when I let my mind run my life my life got to be a mess, my mind freaking is a breeze compared to my mind calling the shots.
The dreaming is awareness that the creation of my life is an act of intent and opportunity mixed with free will and awareness. Sounds more like a sorcerers recipe than a serious drama and it is and I am so grateful.
The fabric or this world of ours has hit the great cosmic hyperspace warp drive and what we have been taught to give faith too is becoming more and more not real or true. Where to now? The new security is faith in you, first, and then when we give faith to anything else that faith has real value. Until then we give faith out of a need to believe that something outside of us can save us. That’s a lie. Too bad for our worlds great religions and the American Dream that money, power, stuff and good looks will get you to the promised land It won’t. It will get you to the lost center of the universe with out a map.
I know I have said this before but it keeps coming back around, if you do not have faith in yourself you can not have real faith in God, or Spirit or anything else out there. If God is unconditional Love and we are the creation of God then we are an extension of the one that created us and to not care for our self or do the work, internally, to claim true faith in our self we are saying by action that God makes messes with us humans and we are the result of that mess. I don’t think so. To take care of our self first is to care for Gods creation. When we are living from our integrity, as a result of having cared for our self, then we are a gift to the world. Our choices, actions, presence are all clean and clear and aligned with the intent of our creator.
Of course our world is coming apart it is based in small minded, fear based, lies and distortions perpetrated by those in power and accepted by people not interested in taking responsibility or even a good look at themselves. Sure we can save the whales or the birds or something else out there but if we do not wake up in consciousness all those creatures we have been saving will come to the same demise as the humans with no good planet to survive on. More Wal marts or better health care or another political party is not going to get that job done for us. We have to do this individually, one person at a time, one day at a time and by sharing our increased awareness and perspectives we will create new communities of awakened people who are living from integrity rather than from beliefs.
Today I led a ceremony on a 1500 year old alter in central Mexico with a group of 25 very accomplished professionals from all walks of American Life. Most of the group was new to ceremony and had never been to an ancient ceremonial center like Teotihuacan. After we were finished they all had a new and greater awareness of what Life, light, awareness and possibility mean to them. Each living their own unique and personal experience, this is one path back to our center, our integrity our freedom and our worlds salvation. This is our mess; Jesus is not going to come flying down out of the clouds to rescue this lazy mess of humanity. We are doing this to our selves and when we decide to stop it we will and not before then. The group on the Alter today has a greater perspective to base their next decision on. That is progress.
Where ever you are, whatever flavor of evolution you might choose for yourself I hope for all of us that you have a path on evolution that you are living. I hope for you that your path holds you accountable for your own salvation. You are the only one that can get you to the dance of the cosmos and what a dance it can be whenever we decide to stop ignoring the calling of the truth to look at how we are all creating this world we live in. Life is as life has always been 100% on our side and all we need to is take that next step toward the unknown. Ready…1, 2, 3, go….
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