I read a story the other day from a guy who channels some beings called the Hathors. I have no idea what that means, who "they" are or if channeling is real, not real, whatever. You see I am picky about what I choose to Believe these days. To say "I Believe" is an automatic attachment to whatever is connected to that belief and we humans are way over attached to our beliefs and this resulting world we live in. In the piece I read there was what felt like a great truth. The Hathors said that in this time we will live with an unprecedented array of situations all seemingly occurring at once. This is directed at not just the "world" but toward our personal lives as well. Ok, from a big perspective this world has economic melt down, outrageous unbelievable political chaos, corporate[ the great strong hold of American faith]dishonesty and greed being unveiled across the board, collapsing housing values and market, the car makers can't give cars away, our food supply is so contaminated and genetically twisted that nutrition is second to manipulation and profit which leads to unparalleled medical issues such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease etc...You get the picture. Oh yeah and the Ozone hole over the poles is growing much faster than the scientists expected which also leads to the ice caps melting and sea levels rising faster than expected so our global weather patterns will be more erratic and challenging than anticipated and that's also happening now, not ten years from now.
Then I read about how screwed the Polar Bears are , they have become so desperate from loss of habitat that they are eating each other to survive which is not really survival at all but self inflicted extinction.
We are the Polar Bears...we are still killing each other over oil, diamonds, defense contracts, drugs, greed and religious arrogance and stupidity.We are just another link in the food chain and guess what, we are in up to our ears in extreme, long term, reality altering, crisis.
So as we say in the language of the Toltec Masteries,"Where is your Attention"? What are you feeding with the energy of your thoughts and beliefs, your fears and desires? We created this world we live in and if this world is going to be something other than what we are doing now, or worse, then We have to begin to look in the Mirror, at our self, you, me ,us. "They" don't exist. "They" waited in New Orleans for "somebody" to save them. They think the Good Ol' Boy U.S.A. is still out there some where. "They"say that change will come with a New President, "they" tell us it's the "terrorists" that we need to fear, "They" Do Not Exist.The terrorists in this world are corporate greed and stealing disguised as profits and return on equity as God.We have lost our love for life and each other and replaced it with our demands and expectations of more and the way it's supposed to be as an alternative reality.All the above exists because we have made it so. We have chosen to live our lives the way we do and we are the only ones who can do life another way.
Yes, it is all happening at once , or appears to be, because we have chosen to only see what is right in front of us, literally, and have in doing so given free reign to "They".When you are addicted to a drug to get clean you have to go through detox. Heroin addicts will tell you they are so terrified of the misery of detox that they will keep using even when they know it's killing them.The cure appears to be worse than the prognosis, so they die.Fear, greed and power are much more addictive than Heroin.
All this is happening like it or not, guilty or not, good, bad and indifferent. So many things coming at us Humans at once. This is what it took to get our attention. We demanded that the script play out exactly as it has and will.
The Hathors also said that if we are to survive then we will need to wake up and take responsibility for how we live in this world, each of us as individuals, then all of us collectively.It doesn't take a channeller or a multidimensional being to figure that one out.
So all at once where is your attention? Are you looking at your world and asking what you might do for real to make life less complicated and to be more responsible in each day with each action you take? I am and I will to the best of my ability.
"They" have Hell to pay and will because "they" see themselves as in power here."They" have so much to try and control and defend that new possibilities will be limited to having to fit into their perception of power structure. I am not responsible for them and I am responsible for me and my family. My attention will be on living each day with love and gratitude and treating others as I want to be treated to the best of my ability.
There was a time in my personal life when it all seemed to come down at once and that is what it took to get my attention and it worked. I fought long and hard at change coming into my life and change came anyway because change is the truth of life and creation and I eventually just let go.
The way "it's" been is history, now we get to create what will be Now. Life goes on with us or with out us..So where's your attention?
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