A week ago I joined some friends who work with addicts here in Mexico to experience an ancient ceremony that involves the African plant Eboga. They use this power plant to detox Alcoholics,and drug addicts while also eliminating almost all withdrawal symptoms. It is quite amazing to witness after having watched people detox in the U.S., that this ancient African plant eliminates the need for all the meds that the U.S.detox protocols put people on.
I wasn't there to detox. I was there to have a first-hand experience with the Ibogaine so that I could say that I've done it and......This is how I do research and development. When I was invited to my first sweat lodge 10 years ago I said yes because what I had experienced as "recovery" was just not that interesting, and it seemed to me that recreating your life should be a bigger experience than what I had been offered through traditional channels. The same has been true with many experiences over the years. If something feels to me like it holds potential to support people reconnecting with their authenticity, then I jump in personally.
Recovery is simply a doorway to being who we are underneath all the stuff we've come to believe about our self and all attachments, stories, expectations and fears that keep us looking outside of ourselves for what only exists within. To be with the Ibogaine was another opportunity to learn about pathways back to me.
As the drug in the plant began to take effect I heard a buzzing sound, a big buzzing sound that was louder than the soft music that was playing or the ceiling fan whirring. I asked Brian, a nurse that was there to support those who were doing the Ibogaine, what that sound was. He couldn't hear it. Ok so I'm hearing this buzzing like a giant insect sound, Brian looked at me and said the spirit of the plant is coming to you, that's the sound of the Eboga.
During the next 6 hours I had a very deep intense experience with this spirit plant that showed me something amazing. As I lay on the bed watching my mind like you'd watch a T.V. screen, I realized that each thought I had would move like a drop of water toward the screen. As the drop touched the screen there was a ripple effect through the entire field of the mind and then the energy would move beyond the mind to the energy field of the world, creation. I could see the quality of each thought and the subsequent form that would begin to take shape from the impact of the thought on the force field of the mind and then the world. Every thought, no matter how insignificant I may believe it to be, moved through this same process and every thought impacted my mind and the creation around me. With awareness I began to think different types of thoughts, thoughts of fear, love, questions, doubts etc..all of them had impact and all of them took form within the energy of the mind and rippled out through the creation.
So what does all this mean? Well for me it was a big time wake-up call that everything I bring into thought and send out through my mind and into the world becomes a part of the whole creation that we call reality. If I'm angry, afraid, lustful, loving, joyful, expectant, whatever, the thoughts I give power to (and if I follow a thought through I have given it power), they all are woven into this matrix we live in everyday that we call the world. A typical person on a typical day has no awareness at all of all the seemingly unimportant thoughts that they give birth and power too. We think if we don't act on our odd thoughts then nothing happens. That is not true. Creation is a giant soup pot and we are all adding our two cents with every thought and feeling that passes through us.
I don't expect to all of a sudden think only nice things. That won't happen. What I will do is take responsibility for what I am bringing into the world and be way more mindful of where I put my attention. If I keep my attention away from situations that cause me to react in frustration or anxiety, like watching all the insanity that we call news, then I won't be feeding the continuation of this dream of hell on earth that we've become so familiar with that we call it normal.
Earlier I said I wasn't detoxing when I took the ibogaine, that's not entirely true either. I am detoxing. I'm doing my best to detox from the automatic opinions and reactions that go on in this mind of mine if I leave it untended to. I had an amazing experience, and it for sure was not some groovy acid trip. It was a reality shaking wake-up call that I am grateful for.
Recovery is a big deal and when it gets real it goes way beyond socially acceptable guidelines and norms. In fact if recovery were to be of absolute integrity then those who recover would most likely be outcasts from society much like Jesus and Buddha were. It is all a choice and for me there's no choice at all. I'm all in...deal....
1 comment:
hola Lee and All
I have never commented on anyone's blog before, but your account of your Ibogaine experience moved me deeply. I am a friend of Chantal Galvan, who sent me the link to your blog, and I also own a vacation home in Sayulita. Maybe we will meet sometime. Anyway, I was born with the knowledge that you gained via the plant spirit. I believe we were all born with this knowledge, but as you know this deeper wisdom has been buried beneath layers of conditioning that create the automatic thought and behavior patterns that we take to be "ourselves." Whatever it takes for us to get back to that simple knowing that "we are all co-creating reality all of the time," I am for it! That phrase is a quote from my book THE COUPLES JOURNEY: INTIMACY AS A PATH TO WHOLENESS, that was a best-seller back in the early 1980's. Like you, I am in the "recovery business" -- recovery from the false self and all the pseudo needs that we take to be our real needs. I feel compassion for humanity as I write this. So many of us are waiting for a crisis before we will be motivated to "get real." Hitting bottom. Your comments in your other recent blog about the fall of the US economy come to mind. Yes this could be a mass "hitting bottom." My work, which I call "getting real'" is "a 12-step program for the rest of us." By the way I am a big fan of "the 12 steps." I think they contain profound wisdom. I think we all need a recovery program--including me.
I have created a program for becoming more self-aware and honest ("you can only be as honest as you are self-aware") for the mature, intelligent general public...people who want to wake up from their automatic patterns. This is described in my book, GETTING REAL: 10 TRUTH SKILLS YOU NEED TO LIVE AN AUTHENTIC LIFE (things like "experiencing what is" and "holding differences" and "embracing silence.")
Thanks, Lee, for the good work you are doing. You, like Chantal and the people you worked with in San Pancho, Mexico, are bringing a new level of awareness to the recovery movement.
Susan Campbell www.susancampbell.com
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