This is Henry. He's also a '56. We share the same arrival year, 1956. Where were you in 56'???? That sounds funny, like it was the Civil War or something. My relationship with time has been very weird. Some days, I feel like " Ok, we're not 25 anymore, " and sometimes "I'm having this experience of time, and I'm not that".
The reality check is most interesting when looking at women. I am a heterosexual Male of the species, for sure, complete. Looking at women is where time gets way lost from the moment. You see with time and life I have come to Love and respect the Divine Feminine and that's not really the most sincere way to say it. The truth is, I see the Sacred Mother in the eyes of women from my 2 year old Granddaughter to my 25 year old Daughter. I see the eyes of the Mother in my Wife and our 2 and five year old little angel characters that are the Mother at her most amazing and vocal. I also love the perfection of form and the presence of HEART when a woman gives you a hug. My Mother has loved me as unconditionally and Divinely as is possible considering she had to deal with me.The Divine Mother is a timeless presence that fills all the spaces between the spaces. She is not really a she at all but rather a force. The presence of life, movement, change, emotion all eminate from her presence. There is no time on her clock, only now. And so time moves on, and on and on and the Divine feminine is with us always allowing us the time of our lives.

Time has spun and spun and the web gets more etheric and mysterious. There is the grace of the Mother on one side and on the other, there's Henry. I bought Henry one day while driving from Malibu to Topanga Canyon to look at a Sweat lodge site. I was working with a Treatment Center in Malibu and wanted to bring the Love and power of the IniPi ceremony to that experience so I needed a Lodge. On the way over we, my buddy Michael Brown and I, passed Henry sitting on the side of the road with sign in his front window. On the way back we stopped.
I was gone in a time warp. My Dad always drove old Apache Carry-alls or Apache pick-ups. The smell, the feel even the sound of the door slamming was a flashback of feeling and memory. That was it, this truck was my chance to sit where my Dad sat and drive my way through time, a 52 year old boy, me, him and all those memories cruising around Malibu. We did our time too. Five years of running up and down the PCH with my boards in the back, surfing breaks that had been my fantasy world in 1972. Tripping time out again.

Now Henry is hanging at The Ranch in Tennessee. When we moved to Mexico I shipped Henry back so I could bounce around the Ranch with my daughters and granddaughters and my Mee looking at the horses and the "baby Vacas" as Lola says. I have spent the last 10 years looking at life, myself and the creation that moves around me and one day I'd love to send Bella off to school in Henry, although her little sister Lola will probably have something to say about that.
Love is really the one constant that shows up, bringing that sweet feeling of life to the experience in front of an old car or a house you once lived in. It's the love and life that were shared there that bring those moments to life, boom. We weren't taught much about love growing up, not the kind of Love that we are held in always just beyond what we're living as Human. The kind of Love that sat for years under the Bodhi Tree or saw the Cross as an expression of the truth that just beyond this world there is the unconditional Love of the infinite. It doesn't seem to matter whether the love of the moment is your best friend across the room or a memory from Cinquenta Años Pasado, 50 years passed, in that moment the Love is, and that's enough to know.
Life is really trying to be good to us, all our choices lined up for years and years and all we have to do is choose. Didn't take but a moment to choose Henry and we'll run til we're done. That's a lot to get out of a 1956 GMC pickup but that's what I do when I sit around and dream.....Onward through the Fog...... The photo of Henry and the cattle on Pinewood Farm were taken my the most wonderful IVA PEELE, Thanks Iva.....Lee