Monday, August 25, 2008

Mystery and Invitation

There must be a great network extending throughout the universe that connects all the aspects of our individual lives with the potential of others with like-minded intentions and motivations. I say this today after having flown back to L.A. from the peace and most interesting world of Sayulita, to meet a man I'd never heard of who has, in his own right, been a great creator of realities. What we seem to share on first meeting is a powerful passion for life and a nature that tends to not give a damn what other people think. That's not the same as not caring about other people, in fact it is almost, in this case, just the opposite.

Living with great passion is a gift and if allowed to rule us, a curse. Passion gives attraction the power to move Mountains and bring Hearts and Nations to their greatest heights and lowest lows. Passion feeds me. Seemingly, out of nowhere, and then of course with great certainty, connections appear that connect people of passion as like attracts like.

That's the Universe, always morphing, unfurling and unravelling, reality, before us.The invitation of life is always extended to join in or take a seat and watch. I don't care much for sitting unless it's deliberate. People of great passion live life with feeling and color, with action and intent. Passion is a respect for life and consequently a respect for others' versions of life. Passion requires personal responsibility and ruthless honesty with oneself or it can become shallow and self indulgent which is then no longer passion but self importance and arrogance. People with little passion seem to not understand those who are driven by passion. Of course not.The same is true in reverse.

Today I'm quite intrigued by passion’s calling and the cast that's being assembled to do the work of the angels here in this world. Dreaming Heaven requires seeing hell for all it's offerings and opportunities to create from what is and what might be if Love were to choreograph the show. And so we shall see....I do love this life..and I am indebted to the opportunities that seem to flow always toward the horizon....Peace be with you, Lee


Unknown said...

Hey Lee,
Its so good to stop in and read your words. The world swirls around me and I am in the midst of crazy chaos and stressful situations. I am a man of extremes. I forget about passion and put my head down and try to just survive. As I read your words, I do remember that I possess that tendancy toward passion, I just dont exercise it. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes and a heart full of love. thanks for reminding me to make room for love and passion in my life. Sending love and warmth to you and your entire family.
Love and Light,

Unknown said...

Great posting! I really enjoyed your blog and look forward to your future postings.

If you ever have the time, please take a moment to look at my blog:

Perhaps we can even exchange links.