Wednesday, June 11, 2008

L.A. Afternoon- Warning! this is a rant

It's Wednesday afternoon in beautiful Los Angeles, California. I had an interesting reconnection today with some old and new friends. You see a few months ago I was really taken back by the way the American Veterans are being treated by the Government that they serve. It's all too clear that D.C. has become the worst of the worst. There is no integrity in any country that lies, cheats and steals from those who have put their lives and the well-being of their families on the line in service to that country — and, WE, America are doing just that.

Our Vets have become nothing more than a commodity to be used by the powers that rule Washington, and then are thrown out and told to “hurry up and wait” if they need support after having gone into Hell for whatever Lies the Politicos happen to feed WE the people. To tell you the truth, I can't understand why anyone would join the Military of the USA with all that's been going on since Vietnam. We must still believe that all the inspiring rhetoric we're taught in school still exists somewhere in Kansas...

What I spent the day working on was creating a network among existing Mental Health treatment programs in the U.S. to support, at no charge, our returning Veterans. They have earned that help and, in my opinion, shouldn't ever have pay taxes again as well, but the machine in D.C. would never go for that. It's interesting that the V.A. has no money to do it's job and the military cannot account for 12 BILLION DOLLARS IN U.S. CASH IN IRAQ. What the ---- are we , you and me, and all those people who appear to be paying attention, doing or rather sitting back and watching being done in our names.

The group of Men that I sat with today, are willing to do our best to create support for our troops. And we need to do it for free because the government has pissed away, stolen and wasted BILLIONS of dollars of OUR money and can't afford to take care of our own. This is beyond stupid and we just accept it.

My wife's little brother is a Vet and he's been screwed over by the system, and my son-in-law is a Vet and he's had the same “patriotic” experience. This is happening in our names, by the people that we have empowered to govern OUR country and OUR vets and their families are paying a price that they never signed up for. There have been revolutions over less than this.

I love what this country stood for, I do not love what is going on today. I see there is a movement to impeach Bush. Did somebody just wake up or what????? I live in Mexico most of the time now and even in Mexico, the Banditos have enough class to be honest that they will steal from you. In The States we have enough smoke billowing out of our asses to see it from the moon, and we pretend there's no fire. I'd much rather give my dinero to the Mexican Banditos , they don't offend my intelligence. Anyway there will be more about what we're doing to help OUR VETS and frankly, if you're not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. That's just my opinion and it ought to be yours. Thanks, Lee

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