This was one of those days where I went from place to place with specific things to get done and got nowhere. Ok, the “got nowhere” ain't true. Truth is everywhere I went had other plans and I did something other than what I thought I was doing there. If I wanted to be my demanding, tryannical self, (I started to say American self but changed it because that's not specifically American is it), I had great reasons and excuses to be angry and frustrated and all that stuff. Instead, the way everything was so consistently not on my wave length, got to be funny.
You hear all the time about, " Well, Mercury is in retrograde", or "Wait till Mercury comes out of retrograde". To tell you the absolute truth I have no idea if there really is a Mercury or, if there is, if the planet does a retrograde thing or not. It's like someone somewhere made up this great mythology about this planet called Mercury. All that I can say is I've seen a light in the sky that I'm told is the planet Mercury, don't know for sure, but ok cool, and when it does go into retrograde, communication and other various things get difficult. That's quite a story and it can be an interesting explanation for why we have problems with certain things at certain times.
I'm not for or against Mercury or retrograde, I just find what we do with the story to be interesting and at this moment, very amusing. See when you’re an American living in Mexico the whole planet would appear, most of the time, to be in some kind of retro-something. Mexico is so obviously made up of millions of individual human beings, being whatever they have decided to be, in each little moment with very little interest at all in what your expectations might be. If you can't find the humor, then you'd better go home to Gringolandia.
In Mexico survival is sometimes not even a generation away, so as my Israeli friend would say "What da fuck, you expect what? Something different than what is? Don't be stupid." This is really funny to me because I've lived most of my life being really ridiculous when I would have days like this, and the truth is there are no days like this, there are just days. Sometimes things happen the way we expect, sometimes they don't, so what, big deal, who cares?
Today set up like a great Dino de Laurentis film with, first of all, the main Customs Department of the Mexico City Postal service where I'm trying to get some stuff I shipped from Peru in Febuary, released from Customs jail. In Mexico if you get something in the mail that's valuable then the Government will do its best to collect a duty based on what they say your items are worth, regardless of receipts or not. Today one of the interior offices was being painted so they could not process any work. What? That's what I said. This is like a twenty five thousand square foot building—one office??? Ok, makes as much sense as corn ethanol.
So since we were so close, we moved on to the Mexico City airport so I could change a plane ticket to a flight that was listed online, except that, at the airport the person behind the desk said that the flight listed online didn't exist. I wonder if they are selling tickets online—makes more sense than almost all of the last 8 years of the Bush administration. At least this Mexican airline did have some real flights, I know that , I'd just flown one.
Next we drove the hour back to Teotihuacan to see a house owned by a wonderful family that had asked me to look at it for a potential business venture. When we arrived at their Ranch to go see the house the Caporal, that's a forman, told us that the lady that lived in the house could not be found to give permission for him to show it to us. That would have made perfect sense except the lady that lived in that house had died a year ago and I don't believe she still cared. The Capo was very serious and straight faced and I couldn't help but laugh, but intending no disrespect I said we'd come back later. By this time we were hungry and so we came home to the Dreaming House to a killer meal of Posole and tortillas.
Welcome to the dream of the humans where, if your life is too predictable, then I can guarantee you, you have almost choked it to death. Life comes formless and then we set the process of form and shape and quality and color, all in motion with our human reality spinning hearts and minds. The only thing real about living in this world is that part of us that we will never be able to define and our amazing experience of being human. So, "What da fuck? You expect something different from what is? Don't be stupid." And, give retrograde a break, maybe it's just life happening here. Peace and Love, Lee