Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This has been a wet spring. The rains keep coming. There have been great powerful tornadoes all over the South and now floods are rising up around the Country. A spring of contrasts and power. For years now we humans have been living further and further away from the real power in this world , the power of Nature, of Life. We live as though all creation is supposed to be at our command. We have gone insane.
In my life I live between different paradigms. One is the beauty, and reality, of the natural world.Being a Cattleman for over 30 years and having grown up on Ranches in Florida and Wyoming I have always known the weather to be as it is and of no fault or blame. Weather rolls it's own way. I respect that after so many years and so many challenges. Droughts and floods, blizzards and fires, I have lived with all of them they come and they go and life goes on.Living with weather as your partner you either realize we are all just a part of the great creation and life flow or you will find yourself demanding that life and weather be something other than what it is, bigger, older and wiser than we humans are.
In the great scheme of things Human profits are irrelevant. Profits have caused so much destruction and death in this world of modern man. We demand profits over life it self, over health over family and friends. That is sick.
In one of my other worlds , the treatment center/recovery world the weather is seen as something to be delt with, either a non issue or a problem, not really seen or respected as the Life force that it is. In the mental health world we humans have tried to find a way to deal with all the issues and challenges that have arisen as a result of our Human disconnection from reality. We live outside of the awareness of the WHOLE of Life.We live outside the awareness of ourselves as WHOLE human beings connected to the WHOLE of Creation. We see ourselves as stories and definitions, compartmentalized and believe our stories and definitions to be true and real.We have to tell our stories over and over and find others that will support and agree with our stories to keep them alive because they have no life, no real life, of their own. We pass on from generation to generation a wounded nature all wrapped up in those stories and energies that we have attached our selves to through fear and judgement, and we take it all personally. It is interesting to see how through our judgements and projections we have unknowingly created a legacy of suffering and further disconnection.We then teach that legacy to our children so they must then carry the weight of suffering that we have born to them.
Living our self imposed exile from the natural world has come at a huge and painful price.The wind and the rain don't care. The natural world is not a place of personal importance or personal attacks. Tornadoes are not after anyone and droughts don't care if you have to sell cattle or eat less. Life is bigger than our human story of life and Life will continue with us or without us, simple as that. We could learn from this if we would just be willing to see how we perpetuate our own suffering by demanding life be something other than what it is.You can't respect what you choose to ignore.
I live much better with the wind and the rain than I do with the demands of beliefs of the Human world. Looking back I can see why I was so in love with the swamps and woods of Florida that I grew up in. Those woods were real and honest and didn't get angry or petty with their ways . Beliefs were not more important that Life itself. Living on a Ranch when it rains you don't fight it you find something else to do that day.
These are very interesting times but if you don't at least try to look at whats going on from a bigger point of view you'll never see more than your own opinions and attachments of how it "should" be reflected back at you. The natural world has the answers we say we are looking for but they may not be the answers we are demanding. So what do you do? Try taking a long walk in the rain and wind and listen to what the wisdom of creation might have for you, it sure works for me.