Many of you have seen this video of Jill Bolte Taylor, some may have read her book. I did. What I find interesting here is when you overlay her experiences of consciousness on top of the "recovery" process.
We have multi-dimensional realities and perceptions within us. The traditional recovery process gives only surface level attention to the deeper aspects of our consciousness. What we suffer from is our loss of awareness and conscious connection with our greater Consciousness. We are huge creative beings that have been born into a "reality" that is very small minded and literal in interpretation interaction. Living disconnected from our right brain consciousness is certainly enough of a loss of true reality to cause great discomfort and even more disturbing a very skewed perception of our self, the world , others, potential, etc.... Reality is not literal , reality is more dream like than reasonable.
We speak of evidenced based and research proven when all those two terms imply is that someone watched and measured the cause and effect of a particular interaction in a particular set up. The results are specific to the test and we have been taught to place studies done by institutions or Corporations ahead of the opportunities presented by living day to day experience with people in their own personal process. I believe what I see and feel not what I am told by so called experts or University/ Big Pharma Studies. I am completely responsible for what I choose to believe and how I allow my beliefs to limit or expand my awareness and also how I apply my craft in working with others.
Dr. Taylor's experience is so beautiful in that we hear the experience and see the awareness of one who has bridged the two aspects of her one mind into a whole. Unless you have a balanced connection between the two you will miss out on at least half of what Life is offering. When we live disconnected from great aspects of our consciousness we will live out of balance and when we live out of balance long enough we settle into that condition as though it were "normal". Living out of balance will also cause discomfort and suffering that we;ll then only be able to identify from our distorted left brained perspective. You see the choices we perceive are limited by the awareness we live from. Small awareness small choices, greater awareness greater choices.
We can not offer what we do not have. As professionals in the healing arts we are subject to the same limited ways of thinking, perceiving and living as our clients and the culture as a whole. If we are to be more than a band aid to the issues then we must be willing to stretch beyond the limitations of left Brain knowledge. We must be the Change we want to see in our clients and the world and live it or we aren't offering anything but a better version of the same ol' hell. This is our opportunity to not be satisfied with what has become acceptable as a profession and go for the freedom that is so clearly what Dr. Taylor found, within herself , as a result of her experience. Maybe you'll watch this video and consider what are you living as reality and how much of your time and attention do you give to the greater aspects of your consciousness. We have settled long enough, now is the opportunity to live from our greater awareness.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Seeing Through the Shadows

My wife tells me I am never home, I'm always going somewhere. Yes, I am going somewhere a lot. Twice this year to Peru, three times to Teotihuacan, Mexico, a couple times to New York City. Sometimes I feel like I am gone from home and sometimes I feel more at home in the places of great mystery than I do in the world that is so familiar and set in it's ways. What I miss are my girls and my wife not the structure, rigid reality and supposed security of the United States.
I have found what I'll call levels in experience and reality through my living so many journeys and opportunities to expand and challenge myself and my perceptions. In this world there are great shadows cast across the landscapes that we have been taught to perceive as reality. Shadows like Cultural dynamics and religious attachments, definitions, titles,Power and self importance. Shadows like the projections of our beliefs onto the worlds stage which we then seek to either have validated or we respond in judgement needing to defend our having given precious faith to those beliefs when beliefs are never truth in the absolute sense. Truth does not need our distorted beliefs to be present and alive in our lives.Our beliefs are very small, thin, desperate attempts to feel secure. Truth is what we are ,we are life's' expression as human with all that Human entails.Beliefs are generated from our need to "know", our need to believe we are "safe" and that the next move can be predictable. We believe out of fear because we have no real relationship with the freedom that Faith in Life, faith in ourselves, offers.
I get frustrated with all the resistance of moving though the quagmire of beliefs that suffocate this world.Must be my Scottish blood and the past generations of Warriors with all their lust for battle when anyone came to squelch their personal freedom with some doctrine of irrelevant beliefs that were offered as an option to the freedom of spirit that they lived for.
The Humanity has traded Spiritual freedom for the weak association of like minded "Spiritual" beliefs. Beyond our attachment to belief is that no mans land of learning to live the tight rope of just being in life without attachment. Freedom can only be found through faith in life before faith in Belief. It is tricky to take the power of faith away from the mind which has for so long been the moderator of fear and our defender of the unknown.When we fall into automatically believing our minds thoughts we will soon be lost in the traps of self importance, self doubt, fear and the need to defend our attachments to our beliefs.Before we know it we are living in our head rather than in the flow of the true reality that surrounds us.
As an aspect of a journey to New York City last year we went to see THE LION KING on Broadway. The participants were a bit skeptical, after all, LION KING is supposed to be a kids show. By the end of that evening they got it. The Shadow lands of that beautiful show were our inheritance if we should lose our connection to our own Divinity and the mystery of consciousness. Life is a great mystery. The Native Americans knew that and so lived in relation with all living things not as the separate and self righteous manipulators of all that surrounds us as modern man has done.We are not separate and apart and will now and for years to come pay the price of our self indulgent ignorance. Cause and effect...Life is as simple as cause and effect.Life is not personal as our victim minded cultures would have us believe. There is no true judgement from God or life merely simple cause and effect and life's own unique flow. To take life personally requires we see ourselves and separate and apart rather than a simple aspect of the whole.
As I live my journeys I experience greater and greater expansion of perception and the melting away of beliefs as my guide. In the moment there is my awareness and Life as it moves through me. I have no need to know, as I am there in it , with it, I am free...knowing takes me from that awareness, from that freedom, into the virtual reality of my small minded thinking.
There is a shift happening. This is the time where all of Mans attachments to life as a definition will be broken apart and the power and greater frequency of Consciousness will offer freedom from our paradigms of fear and belief. It sure is going to be interesting to live this transition.That is our call. There will be no not participating...we will either move with the coming awakening or live in our own terror of it.
How attached are you to your world? Like the followers of the Christ who walked away from everything they had known in life to follow the light within, we are all being offered the invitation to let go and walk into the light of life beyond the limitations of our beliefs.It is a good day to die as the old warriors would call riding into battle...Ahieeeeee
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