Looking out the kitchen window the Atlantic stretches as far as my eyes can see. This 300 year old house is beginning to wake up, or I guess I should say we humans are beginning to wake up.Last night we had a great party in honor of this Bermudian homestead. This is our second year to travel to this Island in the Sun and share our adventure in life with all of the perspectives and awareness that we've gained since our awakening began years ago. Bermuda is a great Mountain top perched in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. She is 24 miles long with some sixty thousand residents. There is more coral reef surrounding this mountain top than there is dry land. At last nights dinner we were graced with the company of several native sons and daughters of Bermuda.When you sit with the locals the conversations seem to always come around to stories of the family legacies. Of great Grand Father and Grand Mother who, in formal attire, rode their pedal bikes several miles to attend Island dances then at the end of the evening rode home. The family connection is so strong that I'm told by those who are sensitive to such things that dying on Bermuda does not necessarily mean leaving the Island. I mean, this sure looks like a neighborhood in Heaven to me, so why leave? That might explain the doors in this old home opening and closing of their own volition. A lot of the locals don't want anything to do with the notion of ghosts and spirits so they go silent if you bring up the subject. Our crew attending the dinner party last night had no such resistance. In fact our party was held to honor all those that have called this Ardsheal House home over the last 300 years.
Whether you believe in ghosts or spirits or not is really not important. What I find ver

In my childhood questioning my parents was taken as an insult and I quickly figured out, not smart. So instead I took in their point of view and beliefs and turned my questions and arguments inward. That set up was then carried on to church , school, college etc..Rather than learning a healthy productive way of looking at and questioning authority I became a bit of a home grown terrorist. When all the stuff that I thought was bullshit would get to be too much rather than strike out toward authority I would strike out on myself. Eventually I learned but that took a lot years and a boat load of brain cells as well as one marriage and the suffering and heart break of my little girls. Of course I am completely responsible for how I navigated my life during those times and I'm also responsible for making my way here to this moment sitting in the kitchen of Ardsheal pecking away at this laptop.

So what's the point? We all inherit a legacy. Big picture, it's the legacy of being human , on a more personal level we inherit the specific legacy of our family, culture, hometown etc....Legacies are passed on through time.Time seems to be always moving on and it's our , human, choice to live in step with times' opportunities to evolve toward true freedom and awareness or to carry the past around [our legacy] demanding that the present be what we brought with us as though life has nothing new to offer. To tell you the truth it's not the old dead ghosts that scare me in this world but the living breathing projections of the past that are carried on in the insanity of Inherited fundamentalism and life squandering rationales [ which are the furthest thing from rational] of fear along with traditions of small minded, bizarrely distorted, superstitious,living hosts. At times we humans appear to have more in common with the Borgs on Star Trek than we do the children of God. I'm all for time travel and the cool thing is I'm doing it all the time and don't need a machine at all. The only requirement is that I show up and participate with my free will admission ticket. So to all that's come before thank you for offering me so much to learn from your having been here and to all that lies ahead I'm coming and to right now that beautiful warm Atlantic water is calling me home. I love you Life...Peace, Lee